Saturday, July 16, 2005

Rarely happy when it rains

My three-day holiday set off thursday evening, and after fourteen heatwavering days God chose to let the rain start to pour down while I was on my way home from work. Yesterday had the worst weather in two weeks, which was coincidentally the last time I had three consecutive days off. But a lot of quality time has been spent already. Most of the spending takes place at the pub.

The quiz at the sports pub "Bohemen" is radically tougher than the pub quiz in Volda. Counting six quizees my team managed less than half the questions in the first round. But at least now I know which primate has the longest penis relative to its height. It was sort of a trick question. The answer was Homo Sapiens.

As the daily cycle drew to a close, I spent the last hours at Savoy, a cozy lounge bar with no music (or low volume) and about 20 journos. It's strange how some people can talk about work for five hours straight without tiring. This profession's like a drug: incredibly fascinating and highly addictive.


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