Sunday, May 22, 2005

Eurovision Slum Contest

Love it or hate it; you can't ignore it. But I'm awfully tempted.

The tabloids, bookmakers and my friends tricked me into believing Norway would win, but the European audience didn't seem to catch the humour of Wig Wam's lovable, so-called glam show. Or maybe they didn't like it at all. The Swiss guitar girls were my second favourite, and Moldova's performance was on par with Wig Wam's. That Malta and Romania managed top three is a testament to the laughably low taste of the voters, be they jury or mob. But Romania were admittedly amusing, and deserve credit for a truly ridiculous stage show.

The only thing appealing and fascinating about Eurovision is the regional competition. There aren't many stages on which all the nations of Europe can compete on the same terms. (Although the five commercially most important countries have a secure spot in the final, but that's necessary for the show to go on. The same logic applies to the United Nations Security Council.) Eurovision stirs up innocent patriotism, neighbourly love and the most vulgar artists of the continent. The concept is so base it appeals to everyone. Even those who despise Eurovision watch it, if for no other (stated) reason than to mock the plainness of the show.

Even though Romania, Moldova or Norway didn't go all the way this year, I hope for more freaks next year. Most of the artists are average, but it's the hopeless and outraging ones that make Eurovison a memorable experience.


Blogger Åse Toril said...

I noticed that Dagbladet spent half a page on Wig Wham the same day as the Eurosong final took place, while yestarday's "Idol" got four pages + the front page. The world is not the same anymore (as in the glorious 90's).

10:30 pm  
Blogger Yngvason said...

Ah, the 90s. Wouldn't have missed it for the world. "A godless decade", as a Geila-columnist in Næravisa expressed it.

10:57 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ja, du kan få sagt det du, din semikrøllete engelskskrivande nordmøring med tendensar til skamlaus tekststeling frå både her og der.

Men som sagt, du kan få sagt det.

10:04 am  
Blogger Yngvason said...

If you must write prose or poems/ The words you use should be your own/ Don't plagiarise/ Don't take on loan.

Eg vil gjerne vite kvar eg stel tekstar frå. Viss ikkje gjer eg som Bondevik og tek kritikken som eit personangrep.

Denne vendinga derimot, er eit plagiat. Du som har lese så mykje kan sikkert fortelje kvar eg har ho frå.

12:55 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Først, kva er greia med engelsken? "The words you use should be your own" - du er meir komfortabel med engelske ord? Kvakksalvar.

Så, eg synest me kan halde oss for gode til å drive med Bondevik-hets her. Du, Carl I. og andre likesinna kan sikkert finne meir eigna plassar for slikt.

Til slutt, når det gjeld den ev. tekststelinga så hadde eg berre kjensla av at eg har lese alle momenta du tok opp før andre stader.

Orsak for at eg ikkje la att namn og nummer då eg gjekk så hardt til åtak.

12:32 pm  
Blogger Yngvason said...

Eg er ikkje meir komfortabel med engelsk, men det er kanskje du. Det heiter "comfortable with" på engelsk, men dette kan du ikkje omsetje direkte til norske med "komfortabel med". Eg skriv engelsk, men held meg iallfall unna anglisismar i norsk.

Viss eg skulle funne opp krutet kvar gong eg skreiv, hadde det blitt lite synsing.

Bondevik-hets er det litt for lite av i Noreg. Og som du ser og sjølv erfarer i denne kommentarspalta sparkar eg både oppover og nedover.

9:25 pm  

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