A Saturday
Today was my only day off this week, and I have spent it wisely. I forced myself out of bed between noon and two o'clock, whereupon I made attempts to figure out
a) whether there was non-alcoholic liquid within immediate reach (no)
b) why my breath was 90 per cent garlick (kebab, probably)
c) what happened to all the money that used to be in my wallet (I chose not to stop at the third beer)
After a half-hearted breakfast I ventured to the park with a novel mentioned in an earlier post, but ended up reading Dagbladet instead. Lying in the park for about an hour, I pondered possible consequences of unneccessary statements made the night before. I think I managed to stay fairly politically correct, as usual.
The sun has been shining all day, but now it's time to hit the street again. This means finding a bar where beer is less than seven euro.
a) whether there was non-alcoholic liquid within immediate reach (no)
b) why my breath was 90 per cent garlick (kebab, probably)
c) what happened to all the money that used to be in my wallet (I chose not to stop at the third beer)
After a half-hearted breakfast I ventured to the park with a novel mentioned in an earlier post, but ended up reading Dagbladet instead. Lying in the park for about an hour, I pondered possible consequences of unneccessary statements made the night before. I think I managed to stay fairly politically correct, as usual.
The sun has been shining all day, but now it's time to hit the street again. This means finding a bar where beer is less than seven euro.
Det der er vel ein kjend situasjon for mange sommararbeidande studentar, tenkjer eg. Og det er akkurat slik fridagane om sommaren skal vere. Men eg synest godt du kan oppgi ølprisen i kroner sjølv om du skriv engelsk og dermed har eit potensielt publikum utanfor landegrensene. Eg er stolt av krona - så lenge ho varer.
Det er sjølvsagt berre teit å skrive euro. Det er for å lure meg sjølv til å tru at ikkje-norskingar les svadaen. Krone og mynt til Dovre faller.
Kva jobbar du med, Olav?
Hei Heidi. Er sportsreporter i sommar. Ganske gøy. Kjem nettopp frå Ullevaal no.
No har eg nett googla deg for å finna ut kvar du utfører din daglege gjerning.
Slik sett var søket fruktlaust, men eg fann noko anna i staden.
Er dette deg?
Øh, redd for det. Eg har ei fortid, som alle andre.
E d itj på tide å slutt me d hær nynorsk toillet no, Olav?? Du driv å går vækk fra trøndersken høre æ. Du må sjå t å kåm dæm heimatt så du for fresk opp at språke....
Ro dæ ne, Kvernmo. Knotinga e d vanskeli å gjør nå me. Men ein tur t Evjen e nok påkrevd for at d ska vårra nå håp.
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