Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Back on track, sort of

The student week in Volda is finally over, and so we return to the ordinary habit of catching at least one lecture per week. Today's topic was rhetorics, an underrated branch of the language science tree. At least in Norway. We have an almost ridiculous fascination for the myriad of accents in this country, whereas the significant disciplines such as linguistics, semantics and rhetorics are neglected.

But the audience seemed to enjoy the lecture, probably because we for once had en engaging speaker. Not every lecturer in our Media Science course is capable of combining theory and examples, which shouldn't be such a daunting task. But hey, we don't have to sit through every lecture.


Blogger Åse Toril said...

Når vi har førelesning om retorikk skulle det berre mangle at vi har ein retorikar bak talarstolen. Likeeins som at vi hadde ein dårleg skjult feminist i (ei ikkje nær til så engasjerande) førelesing om feminisme..

1:41 pm  
Blogger Yngvason said...

Skygga unna feministforelesinga. Har hatt altfor mange diskusjonar om det temaet. Men det er eigentleg ganske gøy.

7:43 pm  

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