Monday, December 05, 2005

Good loser

With one field to go before victory was ours, Kane and I were already gloating. We had been playing the game "Alias" for two hours. The point of the game is to explain and guess words, and despite getting all the difficults cards, our team had a solid lead. It was Heidi and Lene's turn, and to win they had to nail six words before the hourglass ran out. So far, no one had managed more than five in one take.

Yadayadayada, obviously they managed to score exactly the number of words needed, and Kane and I were left puzzled, bewildered and beaten.
"But you started the game. We still have one turn in hand, it's not fair that you win only because you get a head start", I ventured.
"It's like this with all games of this kind. Get over it. You're not bitter, are you?", Heidi countered.
"Er, no. Of course not. But you got all the easy cards. This is ridiculous."
It went on like this for a while. Not even my fifth or sixth piece of Lene's straight-from-the-oven chocolate cake could ease the pain of losing.

Men's instinct for competition and eagerness to win is our foremost advantage in the race for jobs, executive positions and leadership of the world. Equal rights and all that jazz is fair and square, but it's still not funny to be beaten by girls.


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