Two years ago my then-flatmate and I irresponsibly purchased Monty Python's Flying Circus on DVD. We received the box set one month before our exams. Needless to say, academic success was absent that semester.
Since that time, we've split up and been stranded on different continents. For practical reasons, my mate was left with the treasure. But now, the goods are on their way to Volda. As if this weren't enough, flatmate Geir just received the second season of The West Wing. We have a tight schedule ahead of us before the exam reading can start.
Since that time, we've split up and been stranded on different continents. For practical reasons, my mate was left with the treasure. But now, the goods are on their way to Volda. As if this weren't enough, flatmate Geir just received the second season of The West Wing. We have a tight schedule ahead of us before the exam reading can start.
Oh my..
Been there, done that. DVD boxsets are recipes for academic disaster.
Now, what you want to avoid, is loosing track of time.
When the hourhand jumps from 11 to 4 in an instant, that grade-determining exam at 9 just seems so much less important all of a sudden.
Digital/analog watches just loose their authority in social environments. Here is a simple suggestion:
1. Get an old VCR and a 4 hour (or longer - if they exist) VHS-tape.
2. Fast forward 1 hour into the tape.
3. Record a random ".. and now for something completely different.."-sequence from the Flying Circus DVDs.
4. Repeat steps 2-3 until the tape is "full".
5. Aquire a second TV (try the neighbouring flat, or Ebay [if Ebay - please report the shipment costs - I enjoy a good chuckle from time to time]) and connect it to the VCR, put it next to the other TV-set and turn its volume up (as loud as you can get away with without causing mental or physical injury).
6. Press play on the VCR as you start watching DVDs.
Violá - this way you will get a fair warning every hour and thus never loose track of time!
PS: If you record the first sequence after 8hrs (or required amount of sleep), you have a brilliant alarm clock.
This is obviously a smart way to fill another two days of the already tight exam reading schedule. I assume this brilliant scheme is well tested?
(Igjen: ingen av dykk har noko engelsk opphav. De skriv frå to ulike norske stader om norske (student)tema i Noreg. Skjerp dykk.)
DVD-boksar, kjøpt eller nedlasta, er fantastisk god tidtrøyte uavhengig av eksamenstidspunkt. Ein vakker dag skal eg kjøpe alle sesongane av Gilmore Girls - og døy lukkeleg dagen etter sjåing.
Elles ser eg at Kjetil har vidareutvikla ideen frå dei spede forsøka på analog karakterkjøping i eit mørkt klasserom i A-bygget på Follo i engelskklassen til Steinar "Helt" Steinvik?
(Vi kan norsk. Da er det vel betre å lære og øve seg opp i noko nytt? Kan du eit anna språk, er det som å få ein annan sjel, sa nokon ein gong.)
Av alle DVD-boksar du kan kjøpe er vel Gilmore Girls blant dei verre.
til parantesdebatten: (ok. Vi kan altså norsk, og vi kan no engelsk. Kjør anna språk.)
Gilmore Girls er ein forferdeleg undervurdert serie! Det ville eg berre ha sagt. Ein må sjølvsagt sette seg inn i handlinga før ein blir ein tilhengar, men det rår eg alle til å gjere! Ein kan få tilfredstilt den lille "gute-kikkar-trongen" eg veit alle har når det gjeld jenter-damer-ting-ting.
Eg er kanskje klar over at det her er ein amerikanisert overglatta utgåve av livet, menmen. Berre innrøm det same, gutar.
(Kom tilbake når du har lært deg engelsk flytande munnleg og skriftleg, så byrjar vi på nytt språk.)
Det må vel finnast betre infokjelder enn den søppelserien der? Men joda, ein lærer av alt ein ser og gjer.
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