Friday, September 22, 2006

Out of the red-green, into the orange

Map by the Central Intelligence Agency

The following weeks include a landsstyremøte, a courtesy visit to Ljubljana, Slovenia and a young man's journey from Kiev to Lviv. Phone calls will be anwered until my cellular runs out of money.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Unquestionable truths

The finest piece of pop ever made was released some 20 years ago. Counting rock records as well, these are the next nine on the list:

2. Blonde on Blonde - Dylan
3. The Wall - Pink Floyd
4. Dark Side of the Moon - Pink Floyd
5. Darkness on the Edge of Town - Bruce Springsteen
6. Aja - Steely Dan
7. Velvet Underground & Nico
8. Abbey Road - Beatles
9. Stand Up - Jethro Tull
10. After the Gold Rush - Neil Young

Monday, September 11, 2006

Ageing with grace

Archive photo by some classmate from Volda

As of Friday morning, I’ve been around for 24 years. It happens to be my last work-free weekend in months, so I should take it easy. Which is what I was supposed to do last weekend, and wound up in good ol’ Volda instead.

The charming man on the picture above has just turned 22. When you think about it, getting older is no funny prospect. This is also why I won’t be celebrating this Friday any more than I would celebrate any other Friday. That wouldn't be good for my health anyway.

Coincidentally, the press club hosts a theme quiz about media language this Friday. That's the best gift I've received so far.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Back to school

I may have acquired the silly habit of spontaneously booking plane tickets when under the influence.

Bu the destination could've been worse.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

The office

Photo by Mikael Strand

It involves arguments, sarcasm, bad humour and the occasional fancy dinner paid for by someone else. But most of my job consists of reading.

E-mails, letters, hearings, documents, articles, my organisation's policy documents, declarations, statements, post-its, other organisations' policy documents, communiqués, msn messages, the government's policy documents. The list goes on an on.

My main worry is that my news language will be wrecked by reading and writing documents that are usually unnecessarily complicated in both form and content. Try to explain the future of Education Europe without really knowing what's going to happen. In two pages. That's what I've been doing the last couple of weeks.

It's more rewarding than sports reporting in Volda, though.