Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The title function of my blog provider has decided to disappear, so you'll have to read the post to see what it's about.

The Paris Board Meeting was one of the more dubious events I've been to. Not very much went according to schedule, but during the 53-hour-long meeting we managed to discuss at least a few policy documents.

Kim is international officer (my position in Studentenes Landsforbund) of the other Norwegian student union. He's from Bergen and leans politically to the left. Otherwise he's a charming guy.

This is what the meeting room looked like at 10 AM on Saturday. We were supposed to start at 9.30, but quite a few people in ESIB (Studentenes Landsforbund's European umbrella organisation) feel that ESIB time isn't like any other time. Sebastian from Germany didn't know what to say.

The metro became one of our friends during the week in Paris. Helene (left) and Ingrid say goodbye and head for the Louvre museum (Mona Lisa etcetera) while myself and other culture ignorants opt for food instead.

The French food didn't always live up to its reputation, but some of the restaurants were decent. Here, Alma from Iceland looks quite ready for some Chinese cuisine.

The characters above are Jens (left), leader of one of the two national student unions in Norway, and Pelle, vice president of the Swedish union.


Blogger Åse Toril said...

Du skoilla sagt frå!
E koinna anbefalt de både resturanga, uteplassa, trivele små museum (va du på Dali-museet på Montmartre) og ainner teng så parisera gjer, men turista ikkje væt tå.

Men e håpa du ha æn bon voyage likvel ;)

10:55 pm  
Blogger Thomas said...

Godt å se at det fremdeles er liv i politikeren vår! =)

9:00 am  
Blogger Yngvason said...

Bon voyage e å ta kraftig i. Vart null tid t saitsiing. Men e bli stadig mer rutinert på europeiske flyplassa.

Godt å hør at TJRM også har planta beina på norsk jord igjen. Velkommen.

7:18 pm  
Blogger Anthony said...

Ahhhh...your post brings back the memories - were we rerally in that room for 50+ hours?

Anyways, its always great to see you at an event and 2 thumbs way way up for surving the event ;-)


8:09 pm  
Blogger Yngvason said...

Kim of NSU counted the hours afterwards. I think he included the last hours in the canteen as well.

Good to see you too, enjoy your second term. Great idea to stage a training in Malta, by the way. I guess you're one of the architects behind that one.

Take care.

8:02 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

its interesting to know that things can go wrong even when in first world countries people assume them selves to be so prim and proper..cheers to human nature

8:56 am  
Blogger Yngvason said...

The first world ain't perfect at all. ESIB is sometimes charmingly disorganised. This time, the charm just wasn't there.

But kudos to those that made the meeting possible at all. A lot of people worked more than hard to pull this thing off, I believe.

Olav the prim, proper and self-righteous

4:10 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the world aint perfect? you have not seen this side of the mediterrainain..visit sometime..then you may feel more "prim, proper and self rightous"

8:57 am  
Blogger Yngvason said...

Maybe I will. And who is this?

7:44 am  

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