Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Almost White Christmas

SLAVSKO, UKRAINE: Our Orthodox mates celebrate Christmas and New Year a couple of weeks later than their Norwegian guests Elena (front), Jeanette and Ina. They timed the beginning of winter a bit better than we did in Norway.

LVIV: Architecture PhD student Artam explains to Elena and Sine why many Lviv buildings have no more than three windows on each floor: the fourth used to be taxed in the old days.

LVIV: There's always time for an interview. This one's with one of Lviv's radio stations, I think. Photo by Elena Shelygina

SLAVSKO: Studentenes Landsforbund (StL) and the Ukrainian Association of Student Self-governments are now partners. The agreement is ceremoniously signed by President Anatoliy Ihnatovych and the StL International Officer. Photo by Elena Shelygina

KYIV: Straight from the night train, Olexiy, Elena and Sine bathe in the morning sun at a decent diner. Departing from Ukraine was a bit sad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Det var en kald opplevelse, men en kooselig tur :)
like ekstremt og spennende hver gang, itj sant? ;)

8:55 pm  
Blogger Yngvason said...

Ja, men d va litt mindre ekstremt den gangen her. Bynne å bli rutinert på nattoget.

Alltid koooos med Ukraina-tur.

6:11 pm  

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